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Military Nurse - What they do and how to become a Military Nurse?

Training Required to Become a Military Nurse

A nurse in the military will require training within the corps as well as outside of the corps. As with non-military nurse positions and titles, there are many, with many differing educational requirements. You could be a Nursing Assistant with an Associate's degree or a RN with a BSN, specialize with a Master of Science and become an Advanced-Practice nurse.

There are 2 major differences with military nurses in terms of training. Military nurses also complete their required basic training and military specialty schools. They are officers in the military providing care to current military personnel only. The second major difference is that there are many sources of funds to help pay for nursing degrees if you are in the military. These funding options can help when non-military sources such as scholarships and grants are unavailable.

What do Military Nurses do?

Just like there are many nursing positions and skills, there are also many options for serving in the military. Nurses can choose active duty, reserve or National Guard depending on the availability of jobs and the wants of the nurse. Some nurses choose to go full-time into the military and some nurses choose a part-time option like reserve or National Guard as they still want to serve the general public.

The military nurses can be stationed locally or sent abroad for periods of time, depending on the needs. Along with normal everyday medical issues, military nurses often counsel personnel who are away from family and home or deal with military related medical conditions that arise from training and duties.

Military nurse do sign-up with the military for a certain contract period. During this contract period, the nurse is required to meet the nursing licensing standards as well as the military personnel standards. For nurses choosing to get out of the military after their contract period, their unique experiences can lead to better job opportunities once released.

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