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Following Up with Your CEU Requirements

Fulfilling your CEU continuing education requirements is an important part of your nursing career. But just as important as making sure your continuing education courses are up to date is making sure you follow up on your requirements to make sure everything is in line to renew your nursing license. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure you have everything organized and there won't be any problems for you.

Keep records of everything

Any letter, email, or statement you receive that has to do with your CEU requirement should be put in a file and kept in a safe place. Anything you send out should be kept in the file, as well. This includes anything you get from your state licensing board, as well as anything you get from your employer or your nursing school. Any payments you make for courses or books or training should also be kept in your records. That way, if you are told you haven't met your CEU requirement because of a late payment or because you didn't follow up on an email, you will have dated records of everything to see if that's true, or have evidence to dispute it.

Ask questions when you have them

One mistake some people make when it comes time for their CEU requirement is that they don't ask questions when they have them. They may be embarrassed to get clarification on something, or think that it's something they should already know. Whatever the reason, the question goes unasked, and then they don't have all the information they need. You should never be afraid to ask questions about your CEU requirements! There are people who will gladly answer any questions you have, and take the time to explain the answers and be sure you fully understand what's expected of you and what it will take for you to renew your nursing license. If you don't ask questions when you have them, you may be stuck at the last minute with a complication that keeps you from fulfilling your requirements, and it could have been avoided if you asked in the first place.

Keep a calendar handy

If you do not have a day planner or calendar you keep with you, make sure you have something you can use to write down dates, times, and other important information when you talk to people about your CEU requirements. By writing down any appointments, meetings, and deadlines right away, you'll be less likely to forget them, and you won't run into the problem of missing something important simply because you missed a phone conference or a deadline. You should also mark down the date your CEU requirement is officially fulfilled. This will help you remember when it will be time to meet the requirement again, and you'll have a record of when it was completed for your file.
Many people get overwhelmed when they think about their CEU requirements for nursing, but with a few easy steps, you can be sure to stay on top of your requirements, and be able to follow up quickly and easily to make sure you can keep practicing the career you love.

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