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What Is The CCNE?

If you're considering getting your nursing degree, you've probably come across the term "CCNE accredited" when looking at different nursing programs. Some schools may let you know they have CCNE accreditation, and counselors or career advisers may have told you to be sure your program is CCNE accredited. But unless you know a lot about nursing education, you may have no idea what CCNE accreditation is, or why it's important.

What is the CCNE? What is accreditation?

The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, usually shortened to CCNE, is an organization that accredits nursing education programs. It falls under the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

Accreditation is a process that ensures that education programs meet certain standards. It addresses all aspects of the programs from professors to curriculum to the criteria for graduation. The CCNE uses the same criteria to evaluate programs that offer the same degrees. That is, School A's BSN program will be evaluated the same as School B's BSN program, and School A's MSN program will be evaluated the same as School B's MSN program. However, School A's BSN program will be evaluated differently than School A's MSN program.

What programs can be CCNE accredited?

Some people find that, after financial aid, they only have a very small amount to pay for tuition or books or other fees. If the amount you need is very small, getting a private loan may be a good option. Your payments may be less, and you may be able to pay it back quickly so it won't be a burden to you financially. On the other hand, if you only need a small amount of money to pay for school, getting a private loan may not be the best option. Instead, you may find that readjusting your budget will be a better choice.

Can you make payments on a private loan for school while still taking classes?

The CCNE traditionally accredits nursing programs that offer Bachelors or Masters Degrees in nursing. Because they are the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the CCNE doesn't deal with programs that offer certificates or licenses without degrees. Because the CCNE's priorities are narrower, they can put all their efforts into making sure the programs they look at are of the highest quality.

What is the benefit of CCNE accreditation?

One of the biggest benefits of getting your degree through a CCNE accredited program is that you can be sure you're getting a quality education. Since the CCNE has strict guidelines it uses to evaluate programs, any program that has CCNE accreditation is one that is held to high standards. That means that when you graduate, you know you'll be prepared to be successful in a nursing career, and your employer can be sure that you can be relied on as a member of the medical team.

If you're considering applying for a collegiate nursing program, one of the first things you should ask is whether or not the program is CCNE accredited. By choosing programs with CCNE accreditation, you help yourself in the long run, look more attractive to employers, and will save yourself any headaches later on if you decide to further your education through a different CCNE accredited program.

Accreditation is put in place to help you: the student. So by choosing a program that has been accredited by the CCNE, you're just taking one more step to helping yourself on the road to your career in nursing.

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